Tekki Shodan

Tekki Shodan (Naihanchi)

Iron Horse (Knight), First Level

Kata History

Tekki means iron horse or horse stance. Tekki Shodan is the first of the series. The tekki kata are shorei kata, emphasizing strong, powerful techniques. These kata were revised or created by Master Yasutsune Itosu. Master Funakoshi was required to spend three years learning each tekki kata. (At that time, students would spend several years learning a kata). Tekki Shodan was originally called Naihanchi and was revised by Itosu; Tekki Nidan and Sandan were created by Itosu. It is not clear why performance is on a single line, although the kata is sometimes taught as being performed in armour and/or on horseback (this would not be a practical application). The meaning of the kata could also be defence with ones back against a wall; or, in a boat. The major points are lower body strength, hip vibration and side stance. 

The Moves

The Kata exercises the following moves and stances, in sequence, and takes around 30 seconds to complete at high speed:
Count Move Stance
Rei Musubi Dachi
Yoi Uchi Hachiji Dachi
Kata Yoi Heisoku Dachi
1 Kosa Dachi
2 Migi Fumakomi
3 Migi Haishu Uke Kiba Dachi
4 Migi Sokumen Empi Kiba Dachi
5 Koshi Gamae Kiba Dachi
6 Hidari Gedan Barai Kiba Dachi
7 Migi Kage Zuki Kiba Dachi
8 Kosa Dachi
9 Hidari Fumikomi
10 Migi Uchi Uke Kiba Dachi
11 Hidari Jodan Nagashi Uke Kiba Dachi
12 Hidari Jodan Ura Zuki Kiba Dachi
13 Hidari Nami Ashi
14 Hidari Sokumen Uke Kiba Dachi
15 Migi Nami Ashi
16 Migi Sokumen Uke Kiba Dachi
17 Koshi Gamae Kiba Dachi
18 Hidari Morote Zuki (KIAI) Kiba Dachi
19 Hidari Haishu Uke Kiba Dachi
20 Hidari Sokumen Empi Kiba Dachi
21 Koshi Gamae Kiba Dachi
22 Migi Gedan Barai Kiba Dachi
23 Hidari Kage Zuke Kiba Dachi
24 Kosa Dachi
25 Migi Fumakomi
26 Hidari Uchi Uke Kiba Dachi
27 Migi Jodan Nagashi Zuki Kiba Dachi
28 Migi Jodan Ura Zuki Kiba Dachi
29 Migi Nami Ashi
30 Migi Sokumen Uke Kiba Dachi
31 Hidari Nami Ashi
32 Migi Sokumen Uke Kiba Dachi
33 Koshi Gamae Kiba Dachi
34 Migi Morote Zuki (KIAI) Kiba Dachi
Kata Yoi Heisoku Dachi
Yame Uchi Hachiji Dachi
Rei Musubi Dachi
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