Kanku Dai

Kanku Dai

Look to (or View) the Sky - The Greater

Kata History

Kanku Dai was a favourite Kata of Master Funakoshi. The Kata was used by Master Itosu (one of Master Funakoshi's teachers) to create the five Heian Kata.

The word Kanku means 'Look to (or view) the sky', and comes from the opening sequence where the Karate-ka raises both hands, with finger and thumb of each hand touching to provide a triangular-shaped opening. As both hands are raised, the Karate-ka follows the movement with their eyes (keeping the head still) untill the hands are aloft and the sky (or ceiling!) can be clearly seen. By the time this slow movement is complete, the student should achieve a state of inner calm and readiness, in preparation for the rest of the Kata.

The Moves

The Kata exercises the following moves and stances, in sequence, and takes around 90 seconds to complete at high speed:
Count Move Stance
Rei Musubi Dachi
Yoi Uchi Hachiji Dachi
Kata Yoi Heisoku dachi
1 Awase Kaisho Age Uke Shizentai
2 Gedan Shuto Uke Shizentai
3 Hidari Kaisho Haiwan Uke Kokutsu Dachi
4 Migi Kaisho Haiwan Uke Zenkutsu dachi
5 Migi Nukite Shizentai
6 Hidari Chudan Tate Shuto Uke Shizentai
7 Migi Chudan Zuki Shizentai
8 Migi Chudan Uchi Uke Shizentai (Hanmi)
9 Hidari Chudan Zuki Shizentai
10 Hidari Chudan Uchi Uke Shizentai (Hanmi)
11 Uraken Uchi + Yoko Geri Keage (Facing to back of Dojo)
12 Hidari Chudan Shuto Uke Kokutsu Dachi (to front)
13 Migi Chudan Shuto Uke Kokutsu Dachi (stepping forward)
14 Hidari Chudan Shuto Uke Kokutsu Dachi (stepping forward)
15 Te Osae Uke (Stepping forward)
16 Migi Chudan Nukite (KIAI) Zenkutsu Dachi
17 Turn, into Migi Jodan Shuto Uke Zenkutsu Dachi (Facing to back of Dojo)
18 Migi Jodan Mae Geri
19 Turn, into Manji Gamae Kokutsu Dachi (Facing front of Dojo)
20 Hidari Nagashi Uke Migi Gedan Shuto Uke Zenkutsu Dachi
21 Hidari Gedan Barai Migi Hikitae Pulling back into Renoji Dachi
22 Migi Jodan Shuto Uke Hidari Kaisho Age Uke Zenkutsu Dachi
23 Migi Jodan Mae Geri
24 Turn, into Manji Gamae Kokutsu Dachi (Facing back of Dojo)
25 Hidari Nagashi Uke Migi Gedan Shuto Uchi Zenkutsu Dachi
26 Hidari Gedan Barai Migi Hikitae Renoji Dachi
27 (To the left) Hidari Uraken Hidari Yoko Geri Keage
28 Mae Empi Hidari Zenkutsu Dachi
29 (To the right) Migi Uraken Migi Yoko Geri Keage
30 Mae Empi Migi Zenkutsu Dachi
31 (To the left) Hidari Chudan Shuto Uke Kokutsu Dachi
32 (45 degrees to back of Dojo) Migi Chudan Shuto Uke Kokutsu Dachi
33 (To the right) Migi Chudan Shuto Uke Kokutsu Dachi
34 (45 degrees to back of Dojo) Hidari Chudan Shuto Uke Kokutsu Dachi
35 Migi Jodan Shuto Uchi Hidari Kaisho Age Uke Zenkutsu Dachi (Facing back of Dojo)
36 Migi Jodan Mae Geri
37 Hidari Ossae Uke Migi Chudan Uraken Uchi Kosa Dachi
38 Migi Chudan Uchi Uke (Sliding back) Zenkutsu Dachi
39 Hidari Chudan Gyaku Zuki (Stay in) Zenkutsu Dachi
40 Migi Chudan Zuki (Stay in) Zenkutsu Dachi
41 (Turning to front) Hiza Gamae Migi Morote Ura Zuki
42 (Palms of both hands on floor) (Long & Low) Zenkutsu Dachi
43 (Turn to rear) Awase Gedan Shuto Uke Kokutso Dachi (Facing back of Dojo)
44 Migi Chudan Shuto Uke (Step forward into) Kokutsu Dachi
45 (To the right) Hidari Chudan Uchi Uke Hidari Zenkutsu Dachi
46 Migi Chudan Gyaku Zuki Zenkutsu Dachi
47 (To the left) Migi Chudan Uchi Uke Migi Zenkutsu Dachi
48 Hidari Gyaku Zuki Zenkutsu Dachi
49 Migi Chudan Zuki Zenkutsu Dachi
50 Hikitae Gamae (Facing back of Dojo) Pull back foot half pace forward
51 Uraken Uchi Yoko Geri Keage (To back of Dojo)
52 (Turn into) Hidari Chudan Shuto Uke Kokutsu Dachi (Facing front of Dojo)
53 Osae Uke, step into Migi Chudan Nukite Zenkutsu Dachi
54 Hidari Jodan Uraken Uchi (to front) (180 degree spin into) Kiba Dachi (facing front of Dojo)
55 Hidari Chudan Tettsui Uchi (to front) (Stay in) Kiba Dachi
56 Hidari Sokumen Empi Uchi (Stay in) Kiba Dachi
57 Hidari Hikitae Gamae (Turn head to back of Dojo, but stay in) Kiba Dachi
58 Migi Gedan Barai (Stay in) Kiba Dachi
59 (Turn into) Hidari Fumikomi Geri Hidari Tetsui Uchi (Land in) Kiba Dachi (facing right)
60 Ryo Ude Mashi Uke (Stay in) Kiba Dachi
61 Migi Otoshi Zuki (Stay in) Kiba Dachi
62 Jodan Kaisho Juji Uke Shizentai
63 Pull hands down, changing to fists (Slow turn into) Zenkutsu Dachi (Facing back of Dojo)
64 Hidari Chudan Tobi Geri, and Migi Jodan Tobi Geri
65 (Land into) Migi Chudan Uraken Uchi (KIAI) Zenkutsu Dachi (Facing back of Dojo)
66 (Low turn) Sukui Uki (Into) Kiba Dachi (Facing front of Dojo)
67 Awase Sukui Uki (Into) Shizentai
Yame Uchi Hachiji Dachi
Rei Musubi Dachi
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