7th Kyu - Yellow Belt

7th Kyu - Yellow Belt (includes intermediate grade)


Oi-Zuki x5 forwards, x5 stepping back
Age-Uke x5 forwards, x5 stepping back
Soto-Ude-Uke x5 forwards, x5 stepping back
Uchi-Uke x5 forwards, x5 stepping back
Shuto-Uke (Kokutsu_Dachi) x5 forwards, x5 stepping back
Mae-Geri x5 forwards, turn, x5 back
Mawashi-Geri x3 forwards, turn, x3 back
Yoko-Geri-Keage (Kiba-Dachi) x3 forwards, turn, x3 back
Yoko-Geri-Kekomi (Kiba-Dachi) x3 forwards, turn, x3 back


Kihon Ippon Kumite, Set 1.
Attack Jodan, Chudan, Mae-Geri from left stance followed by the same from the right stance (one attack at each level.)

Sanbon Kumite (both sides, fast, no count.)


Heian Nidan
(fast to count, & normal speed no count.) 
Plus any previous Kata (fast, no count).
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